Monday, August 26, 2024

Judge Hits Home Runs 50 51 Yankee Stadium - Bronx


Aaron Judge Hit His 50th Home Run of The 2024 Season

In the First Inning - 1st at Bat

Then ater Juan Sotto blasted one out of The Park in the 7th Inning
JUDGE comes Up and Hits his 51 HOME RUN of The Saeason
And if that wasn't enough ? Giancarlos Stanton Cracked One Out
Right after Judge's homer, to make it Back to Back to Back Homers
by The New York Yankees in the 7th Inning against The Colorado Rockies


Sunday August 25th 2024


MLB Hunter Wendelstedt is a friend of mine. He was in New York for a couple weeks, doing Met & Yankee games. I asked him if he was working the Yankee game on Sunday, August 25th 2024, and if he could get tickets for me and my brother Jimmy and his wife Linda. "Sure, you got it," said Hunter.
Thanks buddy !

I called my brother Jimmy the next day, and asked if he could make it. "Heck Yeah," said brother Jim. We were on.

We both were excited. My brother Jimmy and I used to go to go to quite a lot of Baseball Games when we were teenagers, in the 1970s. We mostly went to Met games, but to Yankee games as well. Love them both.

My brother Jimmy and I had lots of good times going to those games, and I'm so glad we did. We have lots of wonderful memories of those times togther.

We are older now, and we haven't been to a game together in years. We have both wanted to go to a game together again for the past few years, and haven't been able to get together, so when I saw Hunter last week, I asked him if he could get us into the Yankee game. He did, and my brother Jimmy, myself, and Linda are so grateful to Hunter for getting us into the game. We had the Best time.

So the game? I told my brother Jimmy, "Judge has to hit #50 !!! That's the main thing I want to see. I want to see Judge Bang One Out." Of course Jimmy did too.

Sure enough, Aaron Judge didn't let us down. At his first at bat, in the bottom of the 1st Inning, Aaron Blasted one over the fence. We went not. The whole stadium did. We were ecstatic. Aaron Judge hit his 50th Home Run of the Season. This is the third time that Aaron Judge has hit 50 home runs (or more) in a season.  It marks the third time Judge has crossed the 50-homer threshold in a single season.

Only four other players have accomplished the feat: Babe Ruth, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Alex Rodriguez.

Besides hitting this Home Run, Juan Sotto banged one out of the Park in the 7th inning, and Aaron Judge hit one (his 51st 2024) right after Sotto for Back to Back Home Runs. If that wasn't enough Giancarlo Stant hit a homer right after Aaron Judge, to make it 3 Home Runs in a Row,"Back to Back to Back" Home Runs by Sotto, Judge, & Stanton. The fans went wild, and The House was Rocking.

We ate Hot Dogs and had a couple beers like the old days, and had one of the best times ever. Two brothers re-living memories of earlier days (as teenagers). And again, "Thanks again Hunter" !


Author Daniel Bellino Zwicke

And Brother JIM


August 25, 2024

Footnote : Umpire Nick Mahrley was injured in the game, being hit in the neck by Giancarlo Stanton's broken bat. We wish him a full and speedy recovery. It just goes to show that umpiring can be dangerous, and it's quite  hard job, and the umpires don't get enough credit for the great, and hard work they do. Everyone is always yelling at them. Let's show them the respect that they greatly deserve.

Basta !


Aaron Judge smoked his 50th and 51st home runs of the season — on a day the Yankees clubbed five — in an eventual 10-3 dismantling of the Rockies on a gorgeous and loud Sunday in The Bronx, where 41,324 watched a varsity player continue to feast on freshmen.

On yet another day for history, Judge jump-started the lineup by blasting his 18th first-inning home run — matching Alex Rodriguez (in 2001) for the major league record — and became the fifth player to reach 50 in a season at least three times. Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Babe Ruth and Mark McGwire are not bad company.


51st HOMERUN - 2024

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