Thursday, October 10, 2019

How Much Did It Cost 1960 Now



1902 - 2 CENTS

1950 - 4 Cents, 1960 - 5 CENTS

1969 - 6 CENTS  1979 - 15 CENTS

1980 - 25 CENTS

2004 - 35 CENTS  ...   2019 - $1.00

In 1908, a Hershey candy bar cost just 2 cents. That's only 51 cents in 2016 dollars, if you adjust for inflation.

A Hershey bar today costs you three times as much -- $1.59 on Target's web site. (Thanks to Food Timeline and Oregon State University political science professor Robert Sahr for the data! Official government inflation numbers only go back to 1914!)
A box of Kellogg's  Corn Flakes was only 10 cents, 108 years ago. That's $2.56 in today's dollars. A 24-ounce box now costs $3.45 on, the e-commerce site being bought by Walmart. So it looks like cocoa has been a hotter commodity than corn!
Baseball players also weren't making nearly as much money in 1908 as they are now.


The average price of a home like this would have been about $3,845 with average wages being $1,970 annual Wages, or about two years annual wages to buy a house in 1930.

This same house would cost about $315,000 in 2019. Average annual income in 2019 is about $46,800 ... The price of an average price home cost about 6.7 years annual income in 2019, as opposed to 2 years average income in 1930, or 3 1/2 times more Expensive than in 1930.

Average Cost Of New Home Homes

1930 $3,845.00 , 1940 $3,920.00, 1950 $8,450.00 , 1960 $12,700.00 ,
1970 $23,450.00 , 1980 $68,700.00 , 1990 $123,000.00 , 2008 $238,880 , 2013 $289,500 , 
2019 $315,000

Average Wages

1930 $1,970.00 , 1940 $1,725.00, 1950 $3,210.00 , 1960 $5,315.00 ,
1970 $9,400.00 , 1980 $19,500.00 , 1990 $28,960.00 , 2008 $40,523 , 2012 $44,321 ,
Average annual Wages 2019 $46,800

Average Cost of New Car 

1930 $600.00 , 1940 $850.00, 1950 $1,510.00 , 1960 $2,600.00 ,
1970 $3,450.00 , 1980 $7,200.00 , 1990 $16,950.00 , 2008 $27,958 , 2013 $31,352 ,
Average Cost Gallon Of Gas
1930 10 cents , 1940 11 cents , 1950 18 cents , 1960 25 cents ,
1970 36 cents , 1980 $1.19 , 1990 $1.34 , 2009 $2.051 , 2013 $3.80 ,

1961 Chevy Impala


2019 CHEVY IMPALA - Sticker Price $28,000

More than 10 TIMES More than 1961

Average Cost Loaf of Bread Food

1930 9 cents , 1940 10 cents , 1950 12 cents , 1960 22 cents ,
1970 25 cents , 1980 50 cents , 1990 70 cents , 2008 $2.79 , 2013 $1.98 ,
Average Cost 1lb Hamburger Meat
1930 12 cents , 1940 20 cents , 1950 30 cents , 1960 45 cents ,
1970 70 cents , 1980 99 cents , 1990 89 cents , 2009 $3.99 , 2013 $4.68 ,

A LOAF of BREAD COST just .22 CENTS in 1960
 And $4.68 in 2013, or 20 TIMES as Much as 1960

Some of the above can be explained due to the inflation over 80 years , but there are also many other reasons why some prices increased dramatically ( Housing Bubbles. Middle East Wars, Weather problems causing food price inflation, Population explosion, ) it also can work the other way due to improvements in technology offering much cheaper goods for example TV's, Calculators, Computers ETC.

MLB BASEBALL PLAYERS  Average Annual Salary 

2019  4. 6 MILLION DOLLARS, which is ridiculous and totally out of whack and the reason that it cost so much money to go to a Baseball Game these days, with the average price of a ticket is $53 to attend a MLB BAseball Game, with the highest price tickets, with premium box seats at Yankkee Stadium

 going for $525 per seat, up to $2,600 for front row seats. When I was a kid, and my brither Jimmy and I went to 8 or 10 Met games a year, the most expensive seat (box seats) cost just $6.00. Yankee tickets were basically the same price. This was back around 1972 to 1976 when we were going quite a bit to Shea and Yankee Stadiums.  

Hank Greenberg, left feilder, great Home Run Hitter for the Detroit Tigers. He was the first player to make $100,000 in 147 playing then for the Pittsburgh Pirates.  In 1938, he hit 58 home runs. Hank hit 331 career home runs.



For many people, and certainly for this guy, without question George Herman "Babe" Ruth was easily the greatest baseball player of all-time. Ruth hit 60 Home Runs in the 1927 MLB Season, and went on to hit 714 career home runs, most in major league history, and a record that stood until Hank Aaron broke Ruth all-time home run record years later.
After the 1927 baseball season, when a reporter bawled that Ruth made more money ($70,000 a year)  than the President of the United States, Ruth ansered "I Had a better Year than He did," which the reporter couldn't deny, with Ruth hitting a staggering, record setting 60 Home Runs, with a batting average of .356 and 164 RBI 's. His on Slugging Percentage that year was .772 with a .486 OBP.

Babe Ruth made $80,000 a year in 1930.

Babe Ruth had an astonishing lifetime batting average of .342 and hit 2,213 career RBIs.

Ruth was a starting pitcher for a little over 5 years before transitioning away from pitching and becoming an everyday player. His win loss record was a very impressive 95 Wins and 46 Lost, with an amazing 2.28 career ERA.

Players Salaries :

1958 - $16,353

1960 -  $17.934

1970 -  $29, 303

1975 -  $44,341

1980  -  $143,756

1985 -  $371,531

2000 - $1,895,000

2019  - 4.6 Million Dollars a Year "This is Insane" !!!

Mickey Mantle

1953 Topps BB Card

Mickey Mantle was a true Baseball Great. Yes Mickey Mantle played for the New York Yankees for 18 years from 1951 when he replace the great Joe DiMaggio in Center Field, until 1968. Mantle was considered The Greatest Switch Hitter in Major League Baseball History, with a lifetime batting average of .298, with 536 Home Runs, and a career 1,509 RBIs and 2,415 career Hits. "The Mick" as he was called, Won The Triple Crown for Batting in 1956 with 52 Home Runs, a Batting Average of .353 and 130 RBIs.

Mickey Mantle made $7,500 a year in 1951, and his salary in his final playing years was $125,000 per year. In 2019 the highest played MLB Players are making 30 Million Dollars or more (up to 37 Million, Max Scherzer). I myself am always talking about the absurd amounts of money that Professional Athletes make these days, "it's just Crazy," and I don't agree with it and I feel that many pro ball player are grossly over-paid and don't deserve money like that (anything over 15 Million is way too much)> I'm all for people making good money. What's wrong with making somewhere in-between 6 to 15 Million a Year? "Nothing I'd say. Hell, I'd be Happy just to make 1 million.
So as I've said many times, in comparison to the insane money these guys make today, 20 Million a year or more. If Mickey Mantle was playing today and Scherzer is making 37 Million a year, Mickey Mantle would have to command at least 60 Million Dollars a Year. And  in comparison, I'd have to give the great Babe Ruth "The Sultan of Swat" 95 Million a Year.

Basta !

1964 Ford Mustang

Price $2,368

1965 Ford Mustang Fastback



1968 just 15 CENTS

2019 $2.10






In Comparison to how much Money people made in 1968

and what they make in 2019, it's far cheaper to buy a TV now, than it was in 1968

The only other thing I can think of that has gotten cheaper, is the price of a Long Distance Telephone Call.

One problem. Most people pay insane amounts of money to watch TV (Cable) these days, with average cable bills at $50 a month, as compare to being FREE in 1968.

Actually, you can get a pair of Wrangler Jeans for about $25


So let's say the average price in 2019 is about $29

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