Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Post Office Motto Debunked no mail delivery coronavirus

A Statue of Benjamin Franklin
The 1st Post Master General o The US Postal Service
Washington DC
"Neither Snow nor Rain nor Heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." This the famous unofficial Motto of The United States Postal Service has been Debunked not by Snow, nor Rain, Nor Gloom of Night, but the US Postal Service did not deliver mail in March of 2020, stopped by the Pandemic of the Coronavirus in the United States of America, thus debunking the famed motto of Mailmen (and women) as they have temporarily stopped delivering the mail. I myself haven't gotten my mail in the past 4 days, and I didn't even know it, no notification, no announcement through the media on any TV News program at all, but simply because I ran into a lady who lives in my building and told me she had just come from the Post Office ( Varick Street, New York NY) where she picked up her mail. I didn't even know, and I would not have known if my neighbor hadn't told me what was going on (no delivery of the US Mail). I'm really shocked that this has not been in the news. Why? It is quite a big story.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not complaining at all, I'm just stating facts. There's a lot of craziness and all sorts of life changes and adapting to a very different kind of life. "It's a Pandemic," so I understand that the Postal Service is not delivering the mail now. I'm just quite surprised that nobody told us. Seriously, what happened?
It was no big deal going to pick up my mail, just a 5 minute walk from my house to my local Post Office. I waited on line, got for about 10 minutes, gave the clerk my Drivers License as proof of identification. Then I waited about 6 minutes for the man to go find my mail and bring it back to me. Not too bad. And then it occurred to me that the famous US Mail motto, that Snow, Rain, nor Gloom of Night could keep them from delivering the mail, but Coronavirus and the pandemic of 2020 did. It's now fact, the mail was not delivered. It's quite historical? The day the mail didn't get delivered, the Post Office and postal carriers were stopped from making their appointed rounds. Didn't happen. No big deal. People often criticize the US Postal System, "I don't know why? What the hell do they want.?" I for one have always been quite satisfied with their service. It's excellent. Well, I think so anyway, and I still do, despite the fact that for the first time in my 50 plus years, they have not delivered the mail. They didn't make their appointed rounds? So What, there's a dam pandemic going on, we've all had to make adjustments, this is just one more. Not a big deal.
It is however a historical event. It's historical and a big event at that, but far smaller than the bigger thing at hand, the Pandemic, but we're gonna make it, we going to get thought this thing, and as Governor Cuomo said yesterday, "We're gonna kick Corona's Ass." So I got my own mail? Big deal.
Daniel Bellino Zwicke
The Main New York City Post Office on 8th Avenue
And the place where those Famous Words are Inscribed 
"Neither Snow nor Rain nor Heat nor Gloom of Night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
New York, NY
The 80th Anniversary of The Pony Express
The most Famous US Mail Couriers of All-Time

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