Thursday, February 29, 2024

Swatch Customer Service Sucks !!!

 If You Want to Buy a SWATCH OMEGA "MOON WATCH" Forget about it. The SWAYCH COMPANY Has HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE. !!!!  "Really Bad" !!!


The SWATCH WATCH COMPANY has No INTEREST in Helping Customers in an appropriate and expectable manner. You know it's next to Impossible to try and buy a Swatch Omega Moonswatch. You go to the stores and they don't have any at the stores. You go back many times, and not Luck, the stores you go to don't have any in stock. So, like anyone with any smarts, you figure instead of WASTING YOUR TIME and going to a store to try and buy one, and most likely, the store won't have any in stock, you figure, heck instead of wasting my time, I'll give the store a call. Well, "Guess What?" They don't answer phone calls at the store. You call and you get a voice message to tell you to call Customer Service (the main Customer Service # 866-379-2824). Guess what? "You're wasting your time. You call that number and customer service won't do a damn thing to Help you with trying to find out if any particular store has the Swatch Moon Watch that you want. Do you know why ? Because "SWATCH CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS" !!!! They don't give a damn about helping you. They won't do anything to solve the problem. Why? Whover is running the company is a Damn Moron !!!! What the Hell is the point of having Customer Service if no one is going to Help you, if they don't care, and the stores don't answer the phone, but you get a message to Call Customer Service whose not going to Help. Why ? THEY SUCK !!! That's why.

BASTA !!!!

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